Rose Care

  1. Rose Care


  1. Choose a location that is away from trees and other large shrubs that will compete for nourishment. Be mindful when planting near other shrubs, plan on giving those roses more water and fertilizer to make up for what the other plants take from the soil. Avoid placing roses near the eves of buildings where falling snow, ice or water may damage the rose cane.

  2. Make a hole twice as wide and twice as deep as the plant container.

  3. Combine soil from the hole with organic matter. A combination of Peat Moss and Manure is best. It should be about ½ soil, ½ organic matter.

  4. Add 1 heaping Tablespoon of granulated lime or ashes to reduce soil acidity.

  5. Add 1 heaping Tablespoon of bone meal. This will increase flowering.

  6. Do Not Put Chemical Fertilizer in the Planting Hole! Organic fertilizers are fine to use. Follow directions on the package.

  7. Plant the rose using the mixture of soil from the hole and organic matter, including animal manure, compost and/or leaf mold etc.

  8. Plant so that the base of the rose, where the stems divide, is covered with at least 2 inches of soil.


  1. Use only organic fertilizer in the planting hole.

  2. Use a balanced organic garden fertilizer such as organic miracle gro.

  3. Do not fertilize later than August 1st.


  1. Make a basin around newly planted roses that will hold one gallon of water.

  2. In the cool, early summer, water at least twice weekly for established roses and daily for newly planted roses.

  3. During the hot, dry weather periods, water 2-3 times a week to stimulate growth and flower production.


  1. Prune in spring, ideally May. Remove the dead wood and shape plant as needed.

  2. Do not over prune, be conservative.

  3. Following the bloom, remove the spent flowers in June, July and August.

  4. Do Not Cut Rose Bushes Back In The Fall.

Sun or Site

  1. Plant where the rose bush(es) will receive four or more hours of sunlight. The more sun the better.

  2. Mid-day sun is the best. (10 AM to 2 PM)

  3. Locations that receive early morning sun offer better protection against leaf diseases.


  1. Any good garden soil high in organic matter.

  2. Roses must have good drainage. They will not tolerate standing water, even during the winter months when they are dormant.

Winter Protection

  1. Cover base of rose with at least 6” of soil.

  2. Add 4”- 6” of pine needles, leaves, hay or any other organic materials.

  3. When all danger of frost has passed, push the pine needles, leaves etc away.